THT Industries and Hydroport Official ® - Hydroport.Life ™ - Presenting the Climate Crisis Remedy for a Happy Earth. JD Slayton - Deaf, Published Author and CEO from Appalachian Region, USA. © Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved.

Serious investment partners needed. Candidates must possess the determination to succeed in ending our fossil fuel dependence by 2035 and healing the climate of Earth for all future generations to come by applying the Climate Crisis Remedy for a Happy Earth. Active Financial Partners needed for our Climate Priority Flight Force Team. ✅

Thy Hydroport Official Master List:


United States of Americans, I call on you now to help heal this freedom nation we call home. Help correct the damage we've inflicted to the climate of the whole Earth from burning fossil fuels in an enclosed Earth space since the dawn of the Industrial Age - for the last one hundred years straight - not only for today's generation, but for all generations who will call Earth home. Not just for the United States or North America, but for all nations of the world, united as a harmonious collective, striving for the greater good of us all. Equal Healing - Happy Earth.

THT Industries - Hydroport.Life - Slay Publications - Thy Hydro Report - Hydroport Official ™

End the Dependence

  • Your contribution is crucial to healing the climate and helping to end our fossil fuel dependence by 2035. We must continue our climate repair mission and acquire the mobile facility to conduct research and analysis from different bodies of water and land surveys from different locations around the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
  • We are seeking investment funds to purchase our first Hydroport Official ® Mobile Base Equipment in our collective efforts to build a first-of-its-kind eco-healing industry from the ground up.
  • Our current investment goal of $100,000 covers the initial costs of our first Hydroport Official ™ Mobile Base Equipment. It's about reinventing transportation and travel as we know it - while applying the Climate Crisis Remedy for a Happy Earth. ©

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The Wright Brothers introduced air flight to the world, and now, I'm introducing water flight to the world!

The sun is NOT the problem, what we are doing under the sun in an enclosed Earth space IS the problem.

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Blocking out or reflecting the sun's rays away from Earth would be bad. Every living creature on Earth and every living plant has thrived with life energy given by the sun's rays since the dawn of planet Earth. Blocking the sun would create an imbalanced Earth climate of monumental proportions and usher in the ultimate doom of our own species and all other species dependent on Earth as a home to sustain them. We have defied the laws of nature with no regard and expect there to be no consequences to that kind of behavior - but that is not how the energy of nature or the universe works. Creation energy always requires balance on every aspect of creation's existence. #earthsunblockisbad

  • In Biden's own words; we can spend millions and billions on infrastructure upgrades, etc. - so why not spend millions and billions on applying the Climate Crisis Remedy for a Happy EARTH. #priority #exactly #thtindustries
  • We won't need to upgrade every other individual aspect of our existence if we simply end our fossil fuel dependence - by 2035 - by upgrading our main way of life - transportation and travel. #happyearth #hydroportofficial

  • Folks seem to be a bit uncomfortable talking about this, but there will be more plagues as time goes on, as long as we continue heating the climate unnaturally, thus, making it warmer with each passing day - and intensity manifesting with greater severity season after season. #theremedy
  • Disease thrives in warmer climates, and since we are still burning fossil fuels in an enclosed Earth space, we are still actively contributing to the heating of the climate - which, ultimately, will allow more disease - aka - plagues to transpire. Thus, creating the consequence to the climate damage that we have actively failed to correct and heal.
  • More plagues cause more pestilence, more famine, and more of a hostile species reacting to a hostile environment. Because that's what an imbalanced climate does - it creates an imbalanced life for the species who live upon it.
  • Please Don't. 🛑💧💚🌞🆘
  • We Can Do Better!

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I care because I have an eight year old son. I care about what kind of planet he has to live on. We can do better!

  • Good parents should care.
  • Good grandparents should care.
  • Good leaders should care.
  • Good presidents should care.
  • Anyone who is actively paying attention should care.
  • This is not judgment, this is stating facts.
  • It is a fact that we should care about the climate crisis. Our future relatives are depending on us to repair the damage we've inflicted on the climate of planet Earth from burning fossil fuels for the last one hundred years straight - since the onset of the industrial age. That kind of behavior is obviously going to heat the climate of Earth in ways that are not natural, and in ways that Earth would not have became warmer overall - had we not burned all the fossil fuels. CO2 Emissions are no joke.
  • Everything has consequence.
  • Climate crisis denial and ignoring a climate crisis doesn't make it go away or heal itself.
  • The effects on the climate will only grow worse and much more evident as time goes on.
  • With each passing season, we will see the signs of the climate crisis manifest more rapidly.
  • What will we tell our children and our children's children when they no longer have a sustainable planet to live on. We're sorry.
  • We couldn't stop burning fossil fuels to push ourselves around on land by fire in big chunks of metal, glass, plastic, and rubber. Our bad.
  • We couldn't stop ourselves from damaging the climate of Earth while also taking from Earth without giving anything back or replacing what we took.
  • We stole fossil fuels from inside of Earth and burned them on the outside of Earth and called it a way of life. The Good Life - The American Dream!
  • We cut down trees that provide oxygen and shade and habitat for the animal kingdom - to wipe our butts - and called it a way of life.
  • We are a careless species who has nearly destroyed the balanced climate of a planet, and all we can do is say...what climate crisis?
  • It's not an uncaring thing for me to say...people should care. If we don't care, who will?
  • #exactly #climatecrisisrepair #happyearthremedy

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The sun is not the problem; what we are doing under the sun in an enclosed Earth space IS the problem.

  • I will continue leading on the message that if we don't end our fossil fuel dependence by 2035 - as Hydroport Official ™ pledges to do, there won't be a sustainable Earth climate 50-100 years from now for us to do all the stuff we're doing right now on.
  • Everything we all wake up and contribute our time and energy to every day will not be sustained 50-100 years from now if we don't take preemptive measures to create future Earth sustainment now.
  • We cannot continue on as we have...burning fossil fuels likes there's no tomorrow.
  • There IS indeed a tomorrow, because we are creating it RIGHT NOW!
  • Tomorrows don't just exist. Tomorrow exists according to the result of what we do today.
  • Tomorrow exists as the consequence of today, because we are alive today to carry over into tomorrow, so everything we do carries over.
  • Everything we do now affects how tomorrow will manifest. The energy we send out is the energy we get back. We're seeing how that works - given our behavior of burning fossil fuels in an enclosed space - and how that is heating up the climate of Earth unnaturally, which is resulting in inflation, dead sea life (from algae blooms caused by warmer waters) by the thousands, intense wildfires, droughts, flooding, famine, plague, and pestilence.
  • Because of these issues on Earth, we will see more wars and rumors of wars, as the current wars continues playing out.
  • The hostile Earth climate we've created for the last one hundred years (since the onset of the industrial age) by digging and drilling all of Earth's fossil fuels from inside of Earth, so we could burn them away on the surface of Earth without replacing anything we took - or giving back to Earth - has proven an unsustainable practice.
  • We should stop doing that now.
  • There is no reason not to stop other than a refusal to change our ways, because I've written and blueprinted the original Climate Crisis Remedy for a Happy Earth, so that basically means...we're just waiting on the right people to help make it a reality.
  • We must preserve the future, because we do indeed create the future with every 24 hour period of reality that we choose to free willingly manifest in energy terms, according to the actions we choose to put forth into the universe.
  • We've already entered the universal cosmic energy exchange, you see.
  • We've already created the negative circumstances called a planetary reaction to the species' behavior upon it, and now it's time that we recognize the error of our ways, and apply the Climate Crisis Remedy for a Happy Earth before it's too late.
  • It will be too late at a point in time very soon, so we need to stop soul slumbering and get with the program of eco-healing, not only for planet Earth, our beloved home, but also for humanity as a united collective striving for the greater good.
  • Just like God wants me to clean my own life uP, God wants us to clean uP planet Earth.
  • Because we can. If God can do it, we can do it...because we are created in HIS IMAGE!

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We can do anything if we work together!

🆘 VIRAL ALERT! - Support a Leader Who Cares About the Climate Crisis! 🛑
