Welcome, beautiful Soul! I love you. You're a miracle!

The Call is On! JD Slayton, CEO of THT Industries is interviewing for Elite Business Partner(s) in 2024:

Note to Public:

In our startup company's ongoing efforts to build the first-ever Hydroport ™, CEO of THT Industries ®, JD Slayton strives to be as transparent as possible @ jdslayton.com and hydroport.life. Making it public knowledge, the business model and financial objectives of Thy Hydroport Official. © Our only objective here is doing our integral part to heal the climate and make a Happy Earth again. The Human Unity Project is in season. #thup #younme

Be an Elite Climate Hero and help Jenny Dale Slayton build the first-ever Hydroport ™ - an eco-friendly Transportation Industry to nurture a Happy Earth.

Contribute Any Amount to the Hydroport Official Fund and receive a custom Hydroport Official digital asset-virtual collectible delivered to your inbox. ✔

*Your Contribution is Tax Deductible.*

Hey, there! Thank you for visiting jdslayton.com

Get my newest comprehensive guide book! ✅

The Greenhouse Soul. Botanical Brilliance.

  • Harnessing the pure power of plants as a pro-aging method of aging gracefully on your highest vibes! Because here, we rise and shine! 💚

The only thing that can stop you is your own fear.

Create Yourself. Don't Hate Yourself.


Hydroport Invest

Premium Power-uP | Global Climate Care | Elite Hydro League | Hydroport Official | Climate Priority Flight Force ™

  • Clarification: The Elite Hydroport Official ™ Membership price is your initial investment with THT Industries.
  • You'll receive one Hydroport Hoodie or T-Shirt with your initial investment for the one-time price stated.
  • To receive a custom, high quality Hydroport Hoodie or T-Shirt shipped to you every month, you would pay a recurring membership fee (each month) at the same rate as your initial purchase price.
  • If you choose to purchase the initial membership without the recurring monthly membership, you will receive one Hydroport Hoodie or T-Shirt of your choice.
  • To receive a Hoodie or T-shirt every month - it would be a total cost of $59.95 billed per month.
  • The weekly and monthly perks are included in your initial investment with your one-time payment and one-time Hoodie or T-shirt - for one year after your initial investment. Yearly membership is $59.95 billed annually.

  • THT Industries ® and Hydroport Official ™ - Hydroport.Life - Introduce Thy Hydroport Official Climate Priority Flight Force Elite Membership ©. Receive a brand new, premium hoodie or t-shirt, as well as a physical copy of the Master List Certificate stating you are an initial investing contributor of Thy Hydroport Community Climate Partner Project.

💧 You'll receive a monthly Climate Newsletter from Slay Publications ™, keeping you uP-to-date with the latest climate news and crucial Earth information.

🌐 Your Elite Membership includes weekly and monthly updates focused on the climate crisis and our ongoing efforts to apply the Happy Earth Remedy © by engineering the first-ever Hydroport!

💎 With your prioritized status, you become a Hydroport Official Climate Priority Flight Force Partner. 2024 Master List ©. Contributor List. Investor List. The list you want to be on for generations to come!

✅ Monthly Newsletter delivered to your inbox. Interactive website, videos, books, art, e-guides, and tutorials. Free downloads. Free gifts. Sneak peeks. Early access. Exclusive Discount Codes. Secret Priority Links, plus so much more!

  • Become an Elite Member Today!

✅ You get your choice of a premium quality Hoodie or T-Shirt especially and uniquely designed by the CEO of THT Industries, Creative Pioneer, Author, and Artist - JD Slayton. One-time purchase with one-time payment.

  • ➡ About the Product:

💎 Your premium hoodie or t-shirt is available in:


  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra Large
  • Extra Extra Large


  • Adult
  • Youth


  • Black
  • Charcoal
  • Gray
  • Navy

👉 Products are made from a premium cotton (60-80%) polyester (20-40%) blend and printed with vivid colors and details.


💬 For questions: contact - hydroportofficial@gmail.com

Join the Force!

The Elite Hydroport Official Hoodie

👉 Hydroport Official T-Shirts are also available.

Know Your Fibers!

  • "Cotton, like most other plant fibers, is made of a carbohydrate called cellulose. Cellulose is a polymer made up of glucose, a type of sugar. Glucose is made in the leaves of the cotton plant, which are filled with bright green chloroplasts."
  • "Polyester (polyethylene terephthalate) is derived from a chemical reaction involving petroleum, air, and water. This artificial fiber is comprised of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) and monotheluene glycol (MEG). Polyester is thermoplastic, meaning it can be melted and reformed."

Important Note: 💬 You will be slaying a premium fabric made from a mixture of predominantly plant derived and a bit of fossil fuel by product materials. Such is life. ✔

*Actual Printed Hoodies and T-Shirts Available!*

Slay Your Elite Hydroport ™ Hoodie Today!

Elite Membership Perks:

  1. Looking cool in what you wear!
  2. Contributing to an emerging, eco-healing industry.
  3. Becoming a Climate Steward of the Master List.
  4. Joining the Flight Force to do your integral part to heal the world - while aligning higher with the greater, united good for all of mankind.
  5. Becoming a valuable and appreciated member of the Hydroport Official Global Community.
  6. Being pro-active as a contributing Elite Climate Agent in humanity's response to Earth's ailing environment.
  7. Looking SLAY in what you wear!
  8. Helping create the kind of long-term, sustainable growth and balance that humanity needs to see.
  9. Becoming a contributing member of a global community where your voice is heard and your thoughts and opinions matter.
  10. Your Elite Hydroport Membership is the Shape of Tomorrow and the Shape of Tomorrow Starts Today!

About the Hoodie!

💬 The hoodie's popularity as a fashion staple can be attributed to several factors:


1. **Comfort and Versatility**: Hoodies are incredibly comfortable to wear, made from soft fabrics like cotton or fleece. They're also versatile, suitable for various occasions, from lounging at home to running errands or even dressing up for a casual outing.

2. **Seasonal Adaptability**: Hoodies are suitable for both colder and milder weather conditions. They provide warmth when layered in colder climates but are also lightweight enough to wear during transitional seasons.

3. **Athleisure Trend**: The rise of athleisure wear, which blends athletic wear with casual clothing, has contributed to the hoodie's popularity. Hoodies are often associated with sports and fitness activities, but they've transcended into everyday wear, offering a blend of comfort and style.

4. **Streetwear Culture**: The hoodie has become a staple in streetwear fashion, which emphasizes casual and edgy styles inspired by urban youth culture. Influenced by hip-hop, skateboarding, and other subcultures, streetwear often features oversized hoodies with bold logos or graphics.

5. **Celebrity and Influencer Endorsement**: Celebrities and influencers frequently wear hoodies, both in their everyday lives and as part of promotional campaigns. Their visibility on social media platforms and in popular culture influences fashion trends and encourages people to emulate their style.

6. **Customization and Personalization**: Hoodies are highly customizable, allowing wearers to express their individuality through various designs, colors, and embellishments. This customization option appeals to a wide range of tastes and preferences.

7. **Gender Neutrality**: Hoodies are generally considered gender-neutral, appealing to people of all genders. Their relaxed fit and simple design make them accessible to anyone seeking comfortable and easy-to-wear clothing.

👉 Overall, the hoodie's enduring popularity can be attributed to its combination of comfort, versatility, and style, as well as its association with various fashion subcultures and influential figures.

Thy Hydroport Hoodie ™

Reimagining the way we SLAY cool!

*Original AI Generated Examples of Hydroport Official Hoodies.*

  • Thy Hydroport Hoodie ™ and other official wearables are an ongoing effort and evolving aspect of THT Industries, where our ultimate goal is to introduce an entire line of eco-friendly, everyday wearables and sustainable methods of production so that our clothes will last longer - and not so much of them will end up in landfills polluting the environment.
  • Here, we strive to correct the damage we've done to Earth,  while not causing continued harm to an already ailing climate. The creed is simple if you believe: two are stronger than one, and where two or more are united for the same good cause, we get it done! #thup #younme justhelpproductions ✅

♾ Hydroport Official | Hydroport.Life ♾

Our Love Language is Humanity.

THT Industries promotes life abundantly. Investors, partners, associates, creatives, professionals, everyday people, average joes. There's a place for everyone at Hydroport Official. Where H2O is the Shape of Tomorrow.

Slay Deal of the Day!

✔ If you want people to say you look 30 when you're 48, SLAY this way!

💙💚The Power to Heal the World Exists in Water and Plants!💚💙

Plants are the most powerfully healing physical substance on Earth! Botanical Brilliance is all about that plant power and how to glow as you grow!

Here, we do like the plants do. Here, we rise and shine!

  • Jenny D. Slayton - Mom of Five since 1997. Deaf with progressive hearing loss onset beginning at age seventeen - until total loss at age forty-five - from Hereditary Nerve Deafness. Licensed Managing Cosmetologist. Licensed Small Business Owner. Published Author. Artist and Creator of the Original Firefly Painting Series on Canvas - The Firefly Painter and Huntress of Light. Award-winning writer, artist, designer, photographer, and poet. Environmental Studies and Interactive Design Student at Santa Monica College in Santa Monica, California, USA.

💚 Recovering Carnivore 💚

Humans are actually Omnivores, btw.

  • Carnivores are strictly meat-eaters. Example: felines.
  • Omnivores eat all foods - fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and meats. Example: humans.
  • Pescatarian is a balanced diet-style for humans.

Pescatarians do not eat meat but do eat fish.

Plants, Herbs and Spices that Rule the Day!

  1. Brown Sugarcane
  2. Black Pepper and Black Seed Oil
  3. Aloe Vera
  4. Cinnamon
  5. Lemon and Salt
  6. Coconut, Coconut Water and Coconut Oil
  7. Apple Cider Vinegar
  8. Turmeric
  9. D-Earth
  10. Lavender
  11. Oil of Oregano
  12. Peanuts and Peanut Butter
  13. Sandalwood
  14. Rosemary
  15. Thyme
  16. Rose, Roses and pure Rosewater
  17. Eucalyptus
  18. Peppermint
  19. Sage
  20. Garlic

and so much more! #poweruP

The Greenhouse Soul - Botanical Brilliance Printed Spiral Bound Book is available now! ⤵

✅ Within these amazing pages, you will:

  1. Learn How Peppermint is good for a tummy ache.
  2. Olive Oil is good for skin moisture and hydration.
  3. Peanut butter is wonderful as a daily face mask.
  4. Lemon and salt are amazing for energy cleansing.
  5. How Lavender can calm your nerves, relieve stress and anxiety, and help you sleep peacefully.
  6. How Dandelions are not weeds at all and can be added to your salad for that extra jolt of plant power!
  7. How to grow beans in a jar!
  8. PLUS More! ✅

  • Licensed Business Owner
  • Licensed Managing Cosmetologist
  • Studying Environmental Science Student
  • Published Author
  • Collected Artist - Painter with over 500 original works and art prints sold worldwide - since 2005.)


  • Be a part of the Rising Tribe! Watch our YouTube Channels on your TV. Raise Your Vibes Higher! ✔
  • From sunflowers and their seeds, to bamboo, to hemp, to tea leaves - plants are plum-packed full of amazing power-uP energy! You wanna feel your best - plants are indeed the way to go!
  • Check out Canva.com - the fantastic website I use to create awesome digital content. My referral link is right over there to your left. You can sign up for a free account - and that does mean free. Account upgrades are available, and they also give you your own referral link like the one I have displayed here.

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✔ Don't Miss a Tweet! X Marks the Spot

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Read Thy Hydrogen Theory! © ⤵

Plants are life givers because they produce oxygen for us to breathe fresh air every day and absorb the Carbon Dioxide that we expel! Plants radiate rising energy! Rising Energy is good for you and me! #younme #thup

👉 Plants are indispensable to human survival on Earth for several reasons:

1. **Oxygen Production**: Through photosynthesis, plants produce oxygen, a vital component of the Earth's atmosphere. Without oxygen, humans and many other organisms cannot survive. Plants play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of atmospheric gases necessary for respiration.

2. **Food Source**: Plants are the primary source of food for humans and many other animals. Fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds are all derived from plants. Plant-based foods provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for human health and well-being.

3. **Medicinal Properties**: Many plants have medicinal properties and have been used for centuries in traditional medicine systems. Plant-derived drugs and remedies treat various ailments and diseases, contributing to human health and the pharmaceutical industry.

4. **Climate Regulation**: Plants play a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. This process helps mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas concentrations and sequestering carbon in biomass and soil.

5. **Ecosystem Services**: Plants provide numerous ecosystem services essential for human survival, including soil formation, water purification, pollination, and flood control. Healthy ecosystems support human livelihoods, agriculture, and economic activities.

If humans were to disappear from Earth, plant life would likely rebound and reclaim much of the land previously occupied by human infrastructure. Here's how:

1. **Succession**: In the absence of human activity, natural ecological processes such as succession would resume. Pioneer plant species, such as grasses and weeds, would colonize disturbed areas like abandoned cities and roadsides. Over time, more complex plant communities would develop, eventually resembling pre-human landscapes.

2. **Decay and Decomposition**: Human-built structures and infrastructure would gradually decay and be reclaimed by nature. Buildings, roads, and other urban infrastructure would be broken down by weathering, erosion, and biological processes. Plants would play a role in this process by breaking up concrete and asphalt with their roots and facilitating soil formation.

3. **Reforestation**: Areas formerly cleared for agriculture or urban development would undergo reforestation as trees and other vegetation recolonize the landscape. Forest ecosystems would expand and regenerate, providing habitat for wildlife and restoring biodiversity.

4. **Urban Green Spaces**: Parks, gardens, and green spaces within urban areas would become overgrown and revert to natural vegetation. Urban forests and green corridors would provide habitat connectivity for plants and animals and contribute to urban cooling and air quality improvement.

5. **Long-Term Effects**: Over centuries or millennia, the Earth's ecosystems would continue to evolve and adapt to changing environmental conditions. Human impacts on the landscape, such as pollution and habitat destruction, would gradually diminish as nature takes its course.

👉 In summary, plants are essential to human survival on Earth, providing oxygen, food, medicine, climate regulation, and ecosystem services. If humans were to disappear, plant life would thrive and reclaim much of the Earth's surface, gradually restoring natural ecosystems and landscapes.

👉 Plants have been on Earth for much longer than humans. The evolutionary history of plants dates back over 500 million years, while anatomically modern humans have only been around for approximately 200,000 years. Here's a brief explanation of how plants preceded humans on Earth:

1. **Evolutionary Timeline**: Plants evolved from ancient photosynthetic organisms known as cyanobacteria, which emerged around 3.5 billion years ago. Over time, these simple organisms diversified and evolved into more complex forms, eventually giving rise to the diverse array of plant species we see today.

2. **Colonization of Land**: Plants were among the first organisms to colonize land, a process that began around 450 million years ago during the Ordovician period. Early land plants, such as mosses and liverworts, adapted to terrestrial environments and paved the way for the development of more complex plant life.

3. **Oxygenation of the Atmosphere**: Through photosynthesis, plants played a crucial role in oxygenating the Earth's atmosphere. This process, which converts carbon dioxide into oxygen using sunlight, began billions of years ago and gradually transformed the atmosphere into one capable of supporting aerobic life forms, including animals and eventually humans.

4. **Role in Ecosystems**: Plants form the foundation of terrestrial ecosystems, providing food, shelter, and habitat for a wide range of organisms. They are primary producers, synthesizing organic compounds from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide, which form the basis of the food chain.

5. **Geological Impact**: Plants have had a significant impact on Earth's geology and climate over millions of years. For example, the accumulation of plant remains over time can lead to the formation of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, which have shaped human civilization and economies.

6. **Biodiversity**: Plant diversity is immense, with estimates of over 390,000 species known to science, ranging from tiny mosses to towering trees. This biodiversity provides ecosystem resilience and supports essential ecological processes such as nutrient cycling, soil formation, and pollination.

👉 In summary, plants have been an integral part of Earth's biosphere for billions of years, long before humans appeared on the evolutionary timeline. They have played a foundational role in shaping the planet's environment, supporting diverse ecosystems, and sustaining life as we know it.

Original Conceptual Greenhouse Designs Generated with AI Prompt Technology.

✅ Why CBD Hemp Essential Oils are SLAY! 💚

👉 Hemp essential oil, derived from the seeds of the hemp plant, offers a range of potential benefits:

1. **Rich in Nutrients**: Hemp essential oil contains essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 in an optimal ratio for human health. These fatty acids are crucial for brain function, skin health, and cardiovascular health.

2. **Moisturizing Properties**: The oil is deeply moisturizing and can help soothe dry, irritated skin. It's often used in skincare products like lotions and creams.

3. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Hemp essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and redness, making it beneficial for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

4. **Antioxidant Benefits**: It contains antioxidants like vitamin E, which can help protect the skin from free radical damage and premature aging.

5. **Balances Oil Production**: Despite being an oil, hemp essential oil can actually help regulate oil production in the skin, making it suitable for both dry and oily skin types.

6. **Supports Hair Health**: When applied to the scalp, hemp essential oil can help strengthen hair and promote healthy growth. It's often found in hair care products like shampoos and conditioners.

7. **Calming and Relaxing**: Hemp essential oil has a calming and relaxing aroma, which can help reduce stress and anxiety when used in aromatherapy or diffused in the air.

8. **Pain Relief**: Some research suggests that hemp essential oil may have pain-relieving properties when applied topically to sore muscles or joints.

9. **Heart Health**: The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in hemp essential oil may support heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and improving circulation.

10. **Brain Health**: The fatty acids in hemp essential oil are also important for brain health, potentially improving cognitive function and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

✅ Remember, while hemp essential oil offers numerous potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before using it, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding. 💬

👉 Aromatherapy, the practice of using essential oils for therapeutic purposes, offers several potential benefits for both physical and mental well-being:

1. **Stress Reduction**: Aromatherapy can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Inhaling certain essential oils, such as lavender or chamomile, has been shown to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and induce a sense of calm.

2. **Improved Sleep Quality**: Certain essential oils, like lavender and bergamot, have sedative properties that can help improve sleep quality. Diffusing these oils in the bedroom before bedtime may promote relaxation and facilitate falling asleep faster.

3. **Mood Enhancement**: Aromatherapy can uplift mood and improve emotional well-being. Citrus oils, such as lemon and orange, are known for their energizing and mood-boosting effects, while floral oils like rose and jasmine can evoke feelings of joy and positivity.

4. **Headache and Migraine Relief**: Some essential oils, such as peppermint and eucalyptus, have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate headache and migraine symptoms when applied topically or inhaled through aromatherapy.

5. **Respiratory Support**: Inhalation of essential oils can support respiratory health by clearing congestion, reducing inflammation, and soothing irritated airways. Eucalyptus and tea tree oils are commonly used for their decongestant and expectorant properties.

6. **Immune System Boost**: Certain essential oils, such as tea tree, eucalyptus, and oregano, have antimicrobial properties that can help strengthen the immune system and ward off infections. Diffusing these oils in the air may help purify the environment and reduce the spread of airborne pathogens.

7. **Pain Management**: Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and peppermint have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain and discomfort when applied topically or used in massage therapy.

8. **Improved Cognitive Function**: Some essential oils, such as rosemary and peppermint, have been shown to enhance cognitive function, improve concentration, and boost mental clarity when used in aromatherapy or diffused in the workspace.

9. **Skin Care Benefits**: Certain essential oils, such as tea tree, lavender, and frankincense, have skin-soothing and healing properties that can help address various skin concerns, including acne, eczema, and dryness, when applied topically or incorporated into skincare products.

10. **Relief from Menstrual Symptoms**: Aromatherapy using essential oils like clary sage, lavender, and chamomile can help alleviate menstrual cramps, reduce PMS symptoms, and promote relaxation during menstruation when used in massage or inhaled through diffusers.

✅ Overall, aromatherapy offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, with essential oils providing a natural and pleasant way to support physical, emotional, and mental health. However, it's essential to use essential oils safely and consult with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding. 💬

✔ I breastfed all five of my babies! My youngest breastfed the longest - for the first two years of his life. Full-time Mom-on-call since 1997! I swore by coconut butter, essential oils, all cotton or linen clothes, a vegetarian or pescatarian diet, water, more water, indoor air purifying plants, and classical music during my five pregnancies. Playing classical music for babies, especially while they sleep, has positive effects on a baby's developing brain.

Download this Free Breastfeeding Tip List so you can keep it handy on your device if needed! ⤵

Breastfeeding Tips
Image – 186.5 KB

🚸 Parenting Hack: Bedtime = Fun Time!

  • If you've been a parent for even a night, you know that bedtime is a tricky time. Humans love life, indeed, and it's not the easiest thing getting the tiny humans off to sleep. The nightly struggle is real.
  • A great way to get your child to look forward to bed time is...bed tents! Build one with them. Tuck them in. Read them a story. Kiss them good night.
  • Give them a small flashlight and let them shine it inside their new safety zone that you just helped them build. Let the good times roll. You're making memories that will last your child a lifetime.
  • It's okay if you don't have an actual tent for their bed lol...that's what's awesome about sheets and blankets and pillows. Get creative. Don't let the details stop you from bonding with your child in positive, constructive, productive, and beneficial ways.
  • Your child will form fond memories of the experience and you will not face so much parental difficulties in getting them off to sleep at a decent hour. lol
  • If it's a makeshift bed tent, and after they've fallen asleep, you don't feel comfortable leaving the tent up, then simply remove it while they sleep and build it again that night. They call that a win/\win.

👉 CBD essential oil, derived from the hemp plant, contains cannabidiol (CBD), a compound known for its potential health benefits. Here are some reasons why CBD essential oil may be beneficial:

1. **Pain Relief**: CBD oil has analgesic properties and may help alleviate pain, including chronic pain conditions like arthritis and neuropathic pain.

2. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: CBD oil has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and swelling associated with various conditions, such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and acne.

3. **Anxiety and Stress Reduction**: CBD oil may have anxiolytic effects, helping to reduce anxiety and stress levels. It interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating mood and stress responses.

4. **Improved Sleep Quality**: CBD oil may promote better sleep by addressing underlying issues such as anxiety, pain, or insomnia. Many users report feeling more relaxed and experiencing improved sleep patterns after using CBD oil.

5. **Neuroprotective Properties**: CBD oil has shown promise in protecting brain health and may help prevent or mitigate neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain.

6. **Epilepsy Management**: CBD oil has been approved by the FDA as a treatment for certain types of epilepsy, particularly in children with conditions like Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. It has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.

7. **Potential Cancer Treatment Support**: While more research is needed, some studies suggest that CBD oil may have anti-cancer properties and could help alleviate symptoms associated with cancer treatment, such as nausea, pain, and loss of appetite.

8. **Skin Health**: CBD oil may benefit skin health by reducing inflammation, regulating oil production, and soothing irritation. It is increasingly being used in skincare products for conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

9. **Heart Health**: CBD oil has shown potential cardiovascular benefits, including reducing blood pressure, improving circulation, and protecting against heart damage due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

10. **Potential for Addiction Management**: Some research suggests that CBD oil may help individuals struggling with substance abuse disorders by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with drugs like opioids.

✅ It's important to note that while CBD oil shows promise for various health issues, more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and efficacy. Additionally, individual responses to CBD may vary, and consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications. 💬

Slay Coaching Services Offered for a Variety of Topics:

  1. How to write and self-publish a book.
  2. How to use AI to propel your business.
  3. How to open an online shop.
  4. How to sell on sites such as ebay, etsy, and amazon.
  5. How to monetize your blog with Google Ads.
  6. How to start a free personal blog.
  7. How to buy and sell domain names.
  8. How to cross promote using social media.
  9. How to use videos/reels to make money.
  10. How to use videos/reels to promote your business.
  11. How to get enrolled in college and apply for financial aid and student loans.
  12. How to create original art using written prompts and AI generation technology.
  13. How to file your own taxes online.
  14. How to get started on youtube, instagram, and tiktok.
  15. How to find and use free resources on the internet.
  16. How to check your credit score.
  17. How to get debt removed from your credit history.
  18. How to get free phone service.
  19. How to use affiliate links and grow your audience.
  20. How to build your own website from scratch.
  21. How to start a business with little to no money.
  22. How to get government grants to start a farm.
  23. How to create an original NFT and sell it online.
  24. How to create a digital wallet and invest in crypto currency and digital assets.
  25. And so much more!

  • Deafie, Writer, Author, Artist, The Firefly Painter. GlowBugGallery. Thy Hydrogen Theory. CEO and Creative Pioneer of THT Industries and Hydroport Official. Hydroport.Life - Happy Earth Remedy.
  • Author, Editor, Illustrator, Artist, and Self-Publisher of Pug the Novel, Thy Hydrogen Theory, Happy Earth Remedy - Thy Hydroport, Sweetly Slayed - 31 Days of Grace, The No-Show Code 101:, The Ghost Code, and the Greenhouse Soul. Mom of Five since 1997. Licensed Managing Cosmetologist. Business Owner. Published Author. Life Coach. World Changer.

  • One important thing you should tell yourself and your child every day is...I'm proud of you!
  • No one ever told me that when I was growing up or after I was grown, so I grew to be an over-achiever in almost anything I do.
  • Just constantly wanting someone to say they are proud of me...or..."Great job, honey!"
  • That sorta mushy gushy stuff. It matters, it does. I annoy myself at times, and having no one to cheer (for me) from the proverbial crowd didn't and still doesn't help matters much. Be your own cheerleader.
  • That's the Slay Tip of the Day! Cheer for yourself out loud and proud because that is what God is doing for you every day!. God is cheering you on right now!

God, Earth, Family.

The Supreme Meaning of Life...

  1. God
  2. Earth
  3. Family

We are Stewards of the Three.

  • God is everything forever. Without God, Earth and Family wouldn't exist, because God is the creator of Earth and Family. God is the first of our united human family - the family of our human collective. Earth is the second of our family. God created the Earth so that our family could be birthed. Family is the third of the three. Family takes you and me and brings us together as one. The strong and Godly foundation of everything on Earth began with family. Together, we make family, and family makes life. Ultimately, living life takes us back to the first and shows us God.

👉 The idea that playing classical music for babies can make them smarter became popularized in the 1990s after the publication of a study known as the "Mozart effect."

👉 This study suggested that listening to classical music, particularly compositions by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, could temporarily boost spatial-temporal reasoning skills in adults.

👉 However, the extrapolation of this finding to babies' intelligence has been subject to debate and scrutiny among scientists. Here's an overview of the potential effects of playing classical music for babies:

1. **Auditory Stimulation**: Playing classical music for babies provides auditory stimulation, which is important for their cognitive development. Babies are born with the ability to hear and process sounds, and exposure to music can help refine their auditory perception and recognition of different tones, rhythms, and patterns.

2. **Emotional Response**: Classical music often evokes emotions such as relaxation, tranquility, and joy. Playing soothing classical music for babies during sleep or quiet times may create a calming environment that promotes relaxation and reduces stress for both babies and caregivers.

3. **Stimulating Brain Development**: Some researchers suggest that exposure to music, including classical music, may have a positive impact on brain development in infants. Music engages various areas of the brain involved in auditory processing, language development, memory, and emotion regulation, potentially promoting neural connections and cognitive skills over time.

4. **Enhancing Parent-Child Bonding**: Playing classical music during bonding activities such as feeding, cuddling, or bedtime routines can strengthen the parent-child relationship and create positive associations with music. Shared musical experiences may also foster communication, social interaction, and emotional bonding between caregivers and babies.

5. **Environmental Enrichment**: Introducing babies to a variety of auditory stimuli, including classical music, contributes to their overall environmental enrichment. Exposure to different sounds, textures, colors, and experiences stimulates curiosity, exploration, and sensory development, laying the foundation for learning and cognitive growth.

👉 While playing classical music for babies can have benefits for their auditory development, emotional well-being, and environmental enrichment, it's essential to approach the topic with nuance and skepticism. The notion of classical music directly leading to increased intelligence in babies is not supported by robust scientific evidence.

👉 Factors such as parental interaction, early learning experiences, and genetic predispositions play more significant roles in determining a child's cognitive development.

👉 Ultimately, caregivers should focus on providing a supportive and stimulating environment for babies that includes a variety of enriching experiences, including music, language exposure, social interaction, and play.

  • When I was born in 1975 in Huntington West Virginia, the doctor who was delivering me proceeded to go out on his lunch break - while my mom was in the middle of early contractions - and consume alcohol.
  • Enough alcohol to impair his baby delivering ability, and then he returned to the hospital to continue delivering me from my mother's womb...while under the influence of alcohol.
  • He later lost his license to practice medicine after he was involved in a different medical malpractice that had nothing to do with me. But I digress, when he delivered me, he allowed me to breathe sticky afterbirth fluid as my first breath of life - which nearly killed me.
  • Less than a day old, I was rushed to a hospital in the state capitol by helicopter, where they placed me in an incubator on a breathing machine in the ICU. They also placed me in a medically induced coma to help me breathe easier with the machine rather than my newborn body try to fight against it.
  • So, the first week of my life was spent in solitary confinement and isolation - away from my family and the warmth of their presence.
  • It was indeed because of the prayers of my family that I survived to tell my story. Dr. Wonderman was the name of the doctor who saved my life in 1975. She figured out that I had swallowed afterbirth, and once she was able to diagnose me, she knew what to do to treat it.
  • The doctor who had delivered me told my parents that I probably wouldn't make it through the night and for them to expect the worst.
  • He advised them to go on home for the night and be with family because it was the Thanksgiving holiday - and the hospital would contact them if there was any change in my condition...but to expect the worst, because it didn't look good, because at that point...he didn't know what was wrong with me or how to fix it.
  • So, my parents went to my grandmother's where all the family was gathered for the holiday get-together. My parents asked everyone to pray. They gathered and took each others' hands and prayed for my life. Asking God to heal me and that I would wake up. That He would spare my life - and He did, indeed.
  • I was sexually abused by a cousin when I was five. My dad left when I was seven. He remarried and had two more children with his second wife.
  • I was raised by my deaf mom - and started losing my hearing at age seventeen from hereditary progressive nerve deafness - until my hearing was completely gone by age forty-three.
  • My siblings and I have been estranged for most of my life. My dad passed away when I was thirty-five.
  • I've participated in two failed marriages, birthed five children into the world, and made my fair share of mistakes. But this is what I learned throughout it all...God is always the "Silver Lining!"
  • God is always the greener side. God is the force of life and existence that makes everything alright. The light that repels the darkness. The love that remedies the hate. The healing that repairs the brokenness.
  • God is all of those things...and more.
  • God is the new opportunity. The open door after one closed. God is the joy in the morning when you've been wounded until broke.

God created a miracle when He created YOU!

👉 Cannabis (including both marijuana and hemp varieties) is believed by some scholars to have been referenced in biblical times, although the exact identification and interpretation of the plant mentioned in ancient texts are subject to debate and speculation. Here are some potential ways in which cannabis or hemp may have been used in biblical times:

1. **Medicinal Use**: Some scholars suggest that cannabis may have been used for its medicinal properties in biblical times. The Hebrew term "kaneh-bosm," found in the Old Testament, has been proposed by some researchers as a possible reference to cannabis. This term appears in the Book of Exodus (Exodus 30:23), where it is listed as an ingredient in the holy anointing oil used in religious ceremonies. While the exact botanical identity of "kaneh-bosm" is uncertain, some interpretations suggest that it may refer to cannabis or another aromatic plant with therapeutic properties.

2. **Textile and Cordage Production**: Hemp, a variety of cannabis with low levels of THC (the psychoactive compound found in marijuana), has been cultivated for thousands of years for its fiber. Hemp fiber is strong, durable, and resistant to mold and pests, making it suitable for weaving into textiles, ropes, and other materials. It's possible that hemp was used for these purposes in biblical times, although direct evidence is limited.

3. **Food Source**: Cannabis seeds are nutritious and rich in protein, essential fatty acids, and other nutrients. While there is no explicit mention of cannabis as a food source in biblical texts, some scholars speculate that hemp seeds may have been consumed by ancient peoples as part of their diet.

4. **Religious and Spiritual Use**: Cannabis has been used in various religious and spiritual practices throughout history. In some cultures, cannabis has been considered sacred and used in rituals, ceremonies, and meditation to induce altered states of consciousness and enhance spiritual experiences. While there is no direct evidence of cannabis use in biblical religious rituals, some interpretations suggest that certain passages may allude to its psychoactive effects or spiritual significance.

👉 It's important to note that the identification and interpretation of ancient texts are complex and subject to scholarly debate. While cannabis and hemp may have played roles in ancient cultures, the exact nature and extent of their use in biblical times remain uncertain and speculative.

👉 Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has a long history of medicinal and therapeutic use dating back thousands of years. Here are some of its medicinal and therapeutic benefits, as well as a brief overview of its ancient origins:

1. **Pain Relief**: One of the most well-known therapeutic benefits of marijuana is its ability to relieve pain. The cannabinoids found in marijuana, particularly THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), interact with the body's endocannabinoid system to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Marijuana is commonly used to manage chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, neuropathy, and multiple sclerosis.

2. **Management of Nausea and Vomiting**: Marijuana has antiemetic properties, making it effective in reducing nausea and vomiting, particularly in patients undergoing chemotherapy or experiencing nausea due to other medical conditions.

3. **Appetite Stimulation**: Marijuana can stimulate appetite, making it beneficial for individuals with conditions like HIV/AIDS or cancer who experience appetite loss and weight loss due to treatments or the underlying disease.

4. **Anxiety and Depression**: Some people use marijuana to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, although research on its effectiveness for these conditions is still ongoing and individual responses may vary.

5. **Neuroprotective Effects**: There is evidence to suggest that cannabinoids found in marijuana may have neuroprotective properties, potentially offering benefits for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

6. **Seizure Disorders**: CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana, has been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency and severity of seizures in certain types of epilepsy, leading to the approval of CBD-based medications by regulatory agencies in some countries.

7. **Sleep Aid**: Some individuals use marijuana to improve sleep quality and alleviate insomnia, although the effects may vary depending on the strain and individual tolerance.

8. **Muscle Relaxation**: Marijuana can act as a muscle relaxant, making it beneficial for conditions involving muscle spasms or tension, such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries.

👉 Regarding its ancient origins, cannabis has been cultivated and used by humans for various purposes for thousands of years. Archaeological evidence suggests that cannabis was cultivated in East Asia as early as 10,000 years ago for its fiber, seeds, and medicinal properties. Ancient civilizations such as the Chinese, Indians, Egyptians, and Greeks used cannabis for medicinal, spiritual, and recreational purposes.

👉 In Chinese medicine, cannabis was used to treat various ailments, including pain, inflammation, and digestive disorders. In India, cannabis was integrated into religious and cultural practices, with the plant being associated with the Hindu god Shiva and used in rituals and meditation.

👉 Overall, marijuana has a rich history of medicinal and therapeutic use spanning millennia, and its potential benefits continue to be explored and studied in modern times.

Thy Hydroport Official ™ Partner Development List:

  1. Hydroport Premium Wearables
  2. Hydroport Premium Edibles
  3. Hydroport Travel and Transportation - Travel Orbs
  4. Hydroport Sports and Gaming
  5. Hydroport Digital Assets and Elite Collectibles
  6. Hydroport Agriculture and Community Projects
  7. Hydroport Housing and Earth-Healing Abodes

💬 The information provided on a website regarding botanical or herbal remedies should always come with a disclaimer stating that it does not replace professional medical care or a doctor's diagnosis.


This disclaimer is crucial for several reasons:


1. **Lack of Individualized Assessment**: Website information typically cannot take into account an individual's unique medical history, current health status, medications, or allergies. Professional medical care involves a comprehensive assessment by a qualified healthcare provider who can tailor recommendations to the individual's specific needs.

2. **Complexity of Medical Conditions**: Many medical conditions require careful evaluation and management by trained healthcare professionals. While botanical and herbal remedies may offer benefits for certain conditions, they may not be appropriate or effective for everyone. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose medical conditions and recommend appropriate treatments.

3. **Risk of Misdiagnosis**: Attempting to self-diagnose and treat medical conditions based solely on website information can be risky. Misdiagnosis or incorrect self-treatment can lead to delays in receiving proper medical care and potentially worsen the condition.

4. **Limited Scientific Evidence**: While some botanical and herbal remedies have been studied for their potential health benefits, the scientific evidence supporting their efficacy and safety may be limited or inconclusive. Professional medical care relies on evidence-based practices supported by rigorous scientific research.

5. **Potential for Harmful Interactions**: Botanical and herbal remedies can interact with medications, supplements, or other treatments, leading to adverse effects or complications. Healthcare providers are trained to identify potential interactions and provide guidance on safe usage.

6. **Legal and Ethical Considerations**: In many jurisdictions, providing medical advice without proper licensure or credentials is illegal and unethical. Websites should not promote botanical or herbal remedies as substitutes for professional medical care without clearly stating their limitations and advising users to seek medical guidance.

7. **Respect for Healthcare Professionals**: Encouraging users to consult with healthcare professionals demonstrates respect for the expertise and training of doctors, nurses, and other providers. It reinforces the importance of collaborative decision-making in healthcare.

👉 Overall, while websites may offer valuable information about botanical and herbal remedies, it is essential for them to include disclaimers emphasizing the importance of professional medical care and advising users to consult with qualified healthcare providers before attempting any new treatments. This approach prioritizes safety, individualized care, and evidence-based practice in promoting health and well-being.

OOAK Conceptual Greenhouse Designs using Original Prompts and AI Generation Technology © JD Slayton

  • The information provided herein does not replace professional medical care and/or a doctor's diagnosis, nor is it meant to be considered a cure or medical diagnosis if you choose to practice or employ any of the suggested botanical or herbal information provided on this website at jdslayton.com or any affiliated websites or contributors.
  • We at jdslayton.com cannot guarantee a specific outcome for your health situation, nor do we guarantee that plants are a cure or remedy for your condition or ailment. The information provided by this website is for educational and entertainment purposes, as we are not licensed medical doctors and do not offer a medical diagnosis of any kind.
  • Plants can indeed help you live a healthier life, contribute positively to your overall wellbeing, increase your personal energy levels, and help you feel better each day, but visiting a professional medical care provider is the best way to deal with anything serious that requires appropriate medical care.
  • We offer this information to the public in our ongoing efforts to heal and thrive and be successful at being alive. Today and every beautiful day that we have to experience this amazing journey called life.

Invest Today to Secure Your Place on the Hydroport Master List!

Heal the World with Us!

THT Industries - Shaping the Future Today

Secure Your Hydroport Priority Position Now!

Don't be a needless part of a nameless history with nothing to show for our presence and existence on Earth except damage. We can do better. And we should.

Hydroport.Life by JD Slayton

  • This is not a charity organization. This is an emerging Climate Healing Industry seeking financial partners to team up with THT Industries ® in our ongoing efforts to engineer the first-of-its-kind Hydroport ™.

Invest Today to Secure Your Place on the Hydroport Master List!

Hydroport Investment Opportunity:

  • At THT Industries ®, our team holds the climate crisis to the highest degree in priority with regard to the environmental challenges we currently face.
  • Thy Hydroport ™ is the Remedy for a Happy Earth and the Shape of Today! © JD Slayton

  • Secure Your Climate Priority Flight Force Position on the Hydroport Official Master List!

It's all about that recognition.

  • It's all about establishing an elite team of Climate Partner Pioneers who are ready to take it to the next level concerning the climate crisis. We're offering the chance of a lifetime, in that, we are initiating the first-round-call going out to investors who want to get in on the action now.
  • As an emerging industry, an eco-healing, Earth-friendly start-up company, we're calling on investors who want to change the world, heal the planet, and introduce a totally new and cool way to travel and transport.
  • THT Industries is calling on YOU to partner with us in engineering the first-ever Hydroport, and change global energy production and transportation as we know it.

Hydroport Flight Force ™

Our Love Language is Creation.

Do you know what never sinks while traveling swiftly across water's surface via a simple applied force?

🔵 Orbs. Travel Orbs. Slay Travel Orbs! 🔵

  • Vehicles pushed by the fire method crash and burn on land, but orbs propelled by the clean, safe power of ocean water don't crash and burn - in or on water - and it's nearly impossible to sink a ball full of air, especially when the balls/orbs are being swiftly propelled while securely snuggled inside of a Slay Travel Tubeway.™ 💦🌐

Orbs can very simply be pushed via a rushing flow of forced/directed water flow - such as the ocean.

  • Thy Hydroport Official ™ is the Remedy. ♾
  • It's the environmental bridge that connects us to our own happy, healthy future on Earth.
  • It creates a united humanity working for the same cause and striving to achieve the same common good for all of mankind. There is no other way, and we must act now before it's too late. Earth can't wait.

8 Reasons Why Travel Orbs are Cool:

  1. Travel Orbs don't require fuel to be propelled through a Tubeway ™ via a rushing flow of Hydroport-capped ocean water, or any large body of water.
  2. Travel Orbs don't crash and burn. Travel Orbs don't need gas, oil, and other (fossil fuel) fluids to operate.
  3. Travel Orbs are sustainable and eco-friendly.
  4. Travel Orbs are uPcycled from metals and plastics currently lingering in the environment that are otherwise deemed unrecyclable.
  5. Travel Orbs no not require a driver, as everyone who rides in travel orbs are passengers.
  6. Because the Travel Orbs are safely propelled by water inside of a Tubeway, fatal accidents are omitted, because the orbs, in essence, operate themselves, because they are propelled/pushed by water rather than operated by a human driver. Less room for human error. Less room for motor vehicle accidents, drunk drivers, etc.
  7. Travel Orbs are like Turtles...they can last for 100 years, and probably forever. Think of how plastics can endure without biodegrading against the elements, and think of Travel Orbs being constructed from micro condensed plastics - previously that rogue island in the middle of the ocean causing more harm than good. ikr
  8. Travel Orbs are cool as hell. You know it. It's true. Think of gliding inside of an orb, nestled in a comfy seat built just for you, arriving at your Earth destination with Hydroport Flight Force ™ Speed! Exactly.

We, as a united humanity, must apply ourselves in a global effort to heal the climate that we damaged.

We must act now!

Think of Hydroports ™ built on the ocean, rivers, and lakes - with the ocean port connecting the land ports all around the world, so that instead of pushing hot and dirty by fire, we propel clean and cool with water.

We Heal Earth and make it happy again!

While Points Last! Get YOURS Now!

Hydroport | Digital Collectible #2 | Power-uP | Hydro Orb | 20 C

While Points Last! Get YOURS Now!

Hydroport | Digital Collectible #2 | Power-uP | Hydro Orb | 20 C


Not an NFT. Original Hydroport Digital Collectible #2 | 20 C (Carbon) Credits. 20 Hydroport Credits collected with purchase. Unique Collectible is only available at jdslayton.com. Unlock the Power of Three with your purchase. Free Worldwide Shipping. Get yours now! Limited Edition Hydroport Orb Points. Only 20 are available. Once they're gone, they're gone. Invest in yourself. Invest in the future. We are the future. Invest in the healing movement -- not just for humanity...but for Earth -- the amazing planet we've called home all of our lives. #slay #tht #thup

New! Carbon Credits! Hot but Cool!

Hydroport | Digital Collectible #3 | Power uP | H2O Orb | 30 C

New! Carbon Credits! Hot but Cool!

Hydroport | Digital Collectible #3 | Power uP | H2O Orb | 30 C


Not an NFT. This is an Original Hydroport Collectible | Virtual Orb | Power-uP Points. OOAK. Digital Collectible not sold or collected anywhere else but @ jdslayton.com Get yours now! While points last. Only 30 are available. Once they're gone, they're gone. Power-uP Orb Card worth 30 C (Carbon) Credits. 30 Hydroport Power Points Collected with Purchase. Invest in the future of you, the future of us. Hydropower is the future. We are the future...let's make it a bubbly future! Digital Download. Free Worldwide Shipping. Unlock your greatest potential now!

Add Your Name to the Hydroport Investors Master List Now!

Share the message and spread the word so we may be equipped to heal the climate as a united collective.

Let's Build It Together!

Secure Your Priority Elite Position on the Hydroport Official Master List Today!

Let's Make Waves That Change the World!

Let's Do It Together! The Shape of Tomorrow is Today.

Because this is the list that is going up in history.

✔ Investor Benefits: ✔

  • The Elite List.
  • Established Partners with THT Industries.
  • Build the First-Ever Hydroport!
  • Honor and Respect for Generations!
  • Heal Earth as We Heal Humanity! ⤴

Join the Force!

THT Industries ®

JD Slayton | CEO

Phone: Text Only
📲 1-681-410-5513




♾ hydroport.life ♾

Hydroport Official™

  • Official Hydroport.Life Virtual Headquarters - Santa Monica, CA, USA. | Hours of Operation 8-8 M-F 

Rising Hydroport Flight Force for All People of the World.

H2O is the Shape of a Happy Earth.

  • You Want Your Name On the Most Important Climate Project Ever! ✅

Duality of Life, black & white, water cools fire