The Flip Side #slay

Published on 3 January 2024 at 12:45
  • It's not really about making things "right"...because we can't turn back time or reverse the tick tock of the clock on the wall. All we can really do is embrace the moment we're living in now and go forward with the intent of becoming better today and tomorrow than we were yesterday.
  • No time for regrets and fretting over past mistakes. All of that faded away with yesterday as soon as the sun "went down" and the world went on around. Life is about going forward with the highest flow of progression and renewal and everlasting change of sense and self.
  • To become one with everything is to understand we were never separated, and all the time wasted on dividing something that was all along the same...our humanity. It unites us, you see...eternally. Our souls are the most valuable possessions we own.
  • We do indeed own the energy of our own souls, because it's the gift we've been given of free will over our own life forces. To make choices and decisions and mistakes and regrets...but that stuff is like the night and the cold and the bad and the negative, and guess what?...we don't have to choose that perspective to live life by.
  • That is what we call the "flip side"...but who is ever living on the actual "flip side" #exactly...the grass is the same color on every side - let me be clear - EVERYONE'S life sucks buckets on some level - so there's that.
  • It's because of that pesky pre-conditioned perspective we all begin to adopt from the time we are old enough to form our own thoughts. We're taught that if we strive, we can somehow live on the "other side" where the grass is just a bit greener and problems are a little less.
  • But, I kid you not, both sides have problems. Both sides have grass that gets dry and lifeless sometimes. Both sides need redemption from the mundane of a boringly sinful life. That preacher down the street is not perfect...nope, he could have very well been weird with some little girl when she was five and he was a teen.
  • That woman over there is not what she seems...she could very well swipe your wallet when you aren't looking - even as you sleep. Just because something appears peachy keen doesn't mean a wham, bam, thank ya ma'am thing, and we all need to know that.
  • It's about slaying in the moment, finding the "silver lining", making the most of the least, and moving forward with our best feet - and better intentions.
  • That is what I call the SLAY METHOD!
  • Welcome to the peak! #slay #explained #slaybabe #slaynotes #slayhigher

Thank You For Slaying!

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