You will face disappointment in your pursuit of happiness, indeed. Don't be disappointed when you do.
This is fair warning. Life isn't a playground. It's a learning ground. Learning from mistakes is the best way to become a better version of YOU.
It surely doesn't help if you don't learn from the mistakes you've made. One of the hottest burns is when you keep making the same mistake over and over without's a mistake that you shouldn't keep repeating.
Life will throw you that type of curveball...the same ball you've already received. If you don't see it for what it is, and refrain from repeating it, you really have no one to blame but yourself.
I know because I've made the same mistake over and took me so long to truly learn how it was a mistake and how I needed to STOP doing it.
You can't embrace the right thing until you let go of everything that's wrong for you.
When you find the courage to do that, you'll also find yourself in a pretty good place...with God and with yourself.
There are rainbows after a storm for a reason.
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