The Light of You!

Published on 16 March 2024 at 22:58

Hello, beautiful soul!



  • Did you know that you are rising, living energy before you are flesh. #armorup #powerup

    Yeah, you are, indeed. 💯 #childrenofthecreator

    Isn't that an amazing thought that puts your mind at ease. 😇 #energyawareness #spiritualperception think you are infinite and eternal is much more comforting than thinking you are nothing more than rot in a box in the ground at the end of the physical journey you're taking right now.

    We are never taught that we're energy before flesh or that we're spirit before we are physical. We are not taught to awaken from spiritual energy slumber because the physical world would not profit from our flesh needs if we did. #thepreysanctuary

    To be spiritually slumbering like bears at Christmas, means we are profitable to the global economy of the world. #trueandtrue #onebody #truelove

    We have flesh needs like food and transportation and housing and clothes and personal hygiene products and utilities...and so on. #humancondition

    We are encouraged to submit to spiritual slumber through bombardment of our sense awareness and perception. #eternallifeisreal #indeed

    We don't realize it, but it's literally been happening to everyone on Earth since birth.

    The time now is to awaken because the promised return of Jesus Christ is upon us.

    Don't be duped by the veil of deception that overshadows the world. It's time to come to terms with the spiritual energy truth of our eternal souls.

    Jesus will be returning to Earth soon with the New City, and just as His life energy presence and ascension from Earth the first time changed the timeline and age of humanity from BC to AD, this time at His return, His divine life energy presence as our eternal King in the New City will uPgrade the timeline of humanity from the human age, when man had dominion on Earth, to the Kingdom Age, when Christ our Lord and King will have righteous dominion on Earth. #newcity #redemption #thepromise #eternallife #returnofourking

    He came as a lamb the first time, and He returns as a lion! #kingdomage #ChristTribe #onelove

    King Yeshua. King Jesus Christ. He is Lord. He is Beautiful Lord of ALL!!! 🤟✝🤟 #thup #younme

But most importantly, God loves you! He loves you and me so much that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to tell us so. How amazing is that!!? ikr

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