Did you know that your soul glows? Yes, it does, indeed! Every day, it glows. Because you are unique. That's how you glow. Your style, your sense of humor, your smile. The way you're there for others, the way you care and share and lend a helping hand.
It doesn't take being a superhero to do great things or achieve greatness. It simply takes seeing yourself through the same "eyes" God sees you through. Through the eyes of love. The eyes of victory!
When you begin to see yourself through the eyes of greatness, you see yourself how God sees you every day. An amazing creation!
He designed you that way...to be beautiful. To live in His grace.
It's a free gift, ya know, the gift of redemption, the gift of salvation. The opportunity to be saved.
Christ Love is the promise of ONE LOVE that unites all of humanity. One Love that unites all faiths and unifies the divisions we've created. We are not better alone; we are stronger together. Then, our souls truly glow...when we are unified in Peace Under God. #pug
To know God is to know Love and to know Love is to know God.
You can't have one without the other because they are the same.
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